quotations about poetry

A poem sings with a bad accent in any language not its own.


Keystones of Thought

Tags: Austin O'Malley

But poets, or those who imagine and express this indestructible order, are not only the authors of language and of music, of the dance, and architecture, and statuary, and painting; they are the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society, and the inventors of the arts of life, and the teachers, who draw into a certain propinquity with the beautiful and the true, that partial apprehension of the agencies of the invisible world which is called religion. Hence all original religions are allegorical, or susceptible of allegory, and, like Janus, have a double face of false and true. Poets, according to the circumstances of the age and nation in which they appeared, were called, in the earlier epochs of the world, legislators, or prophets: a poet essentially comprises and unites both these characters. For he not only beholds intensely the present as it is, and discovers those laws according to which present things ought to be ordered, but he beholds the future in the present, and his thoughts are the germs of the flower and the fruit of latest time. Not that I assert poets to be prophets in the gross sense of the word, or that they can foretell the form as surely as they foreknow the spirit of events: such is the pretence of superstition, which would make poetry an attribute of prophecy, rather than prophecy an attribute of poetry. A poet participates in the eternal, the infinite, and the one; as far as relates to his conceptions, time and place and number are not. The grammatical forms which express the moods of time, and the difference of persons, and the distinction of place, are convertible with respect to the highest poetry without injuring it as poetry; and the choruses of Aeschylus, and the book of Job, and Dante's Paradise, would afford, more than any other writings, examples of this fact, if the limits of this essay did not forbid citation. The creations of sculpture, painting, and music, are illustrations still more decisive.


A Defence of Poetry

Tags: Percy Bysshe Shelley

Poets suffer occasional delusions of angelhood and find themselves condemned to express it in the bric-a-brac tongues of the human world. Lots of them go mad.


I, Lucifer

Tags: Glen Duncan

The more serious poetry of the race has a philosophical structure of thought. It contains beliefs and conceptions in regard to the nature of man and the universe, God and the soul, fate and providence, suffering, evil and destiny. Great poetry always has, like the higher religion, a metaphysical content. It deals with the same august issues, experiences and conceptions as metaphysics or first philosophy.


The Field of Philosophy

Tags: Joseph Alexander Leighton

Here! is this you on the top of Fan-ko Mountain,
Wearing a huge hat in the noon-day sun?
How thin, how wretchedly thin, you have grown!
You must have been suffering from poetry again.


"Addressed Humorously to Tu Fu"

Tags: Li Bai

Poetry (by extension, any art) is a response, it is part of a conversation between the writer and the larger world--and just writing that I realize how much our writing is a form of listening. And we have a response-ability that can grow, shift, change as we do over the years.


"On Poetry: A Conversation", Patheos, April 30, 2016

I see poetry as a path toward new understanding and transformation.


The Atlantic Online, September 18, 1997

Tags: Jane Hirshfield

Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.



Tags: Plato

A poet hurts himself by writing prose; as a racehorse hurts his motion by condescending to draw a team.


Essays on Men and Manners

A true poet comes among us only once in a generation, sometimes not once in a century, and ... certain civilized nations never produce a great poet. We suffer from dearth of poets, not from lack of love for poetry.


Keystones of Thought

Tags: Austin O'Malley

Only poetry can measure the distance between ourselves and the Other.


The Unemployed Fortune-Teller

Tags: Charles Simic

It is clear that a poem may be improperly brief. Undue brevity degenerates into mere epigrammatism. A very short poem, while now and then producing a brilliant or vivid, never produces a profound or enduring, effect. There must be the steady pressing down of the stamp upon the wax.


"The Poetic Principle"

Tags: Edgar Allan Poe

You speak
As one who fed on poetry.



Tags: Edward Bulwer Lytton

Poetry never loses its appeal. Sometimes its audience wanes and sometimes it swells like a wave. But the essential mystery of being human is always going to engage and compel us. We're involved in a mystery. Poetry uses words to put us in touch with that mystery. We're always going to need it.


interview, 2007

Tags: Edward Hirsch

Poems allow us not only to bear the tally and toll of our transience, but to perceive, within their continually surprising abundance, a path through the grief of that insult into joy.


Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World

Tags: Jane Hirshfield

It tells us a great deal about a man to know that he chooses as his form of expression the poetic medium. It tells us, I think, something about his system of ontology. The composition of poetry is evidence that for him values have a reality, and he is capable of emotion upon the subject of value. The entire corpus of the world's poetry rests upon a theory of universal analogy which teaches that all phenomena in some degree resemble each other. There is a minimal truth in even the wildest metaphor simply because the world is, from one point of view, a unitary thing.


"Agrarianism in Exile"

No wonder poets sometimes have to seem
So much more businesslike than businessmen.
Their wares are so much harder to get rid of.


"New Hampshire"

Tags: Robert Frost

When you work in form, be it a sonnet or villanelle or whatever, the form is there and you have to fill it. And you have to find how to make that form say what you want to say. But what you find, always--I think any poet who's worked in form will agree with me--is that the form leads you to what you want to say.


interview, The Paris Review, fall 2013

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

True poetry is not of earth,
'T is more of Heaven by its birth.


"Parnassus", Cloudrifts at Twilight

Tags: William Batchelder Greene

When an exquisite poem brings one's eyes to the point of tears, those tears are not evidence of an excess of joy, they are witness far more to an exacerbated melancholy, a disposition of the nerves, a nature exiled among imperfect things, which would like to possess, without delay, a paradise revealed on this very same earth.


"Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe III", L'art romantique

Tags: Charles Baudelaire