quotations about the X-Men

What a gas! I mean, Patrick Stewart and I have been have just been playing Waiting for Godot throughout England and in the West End of London. So, we've stayed in touch. We can't believe it. I thought these were Fassbender and McAvoy's parts, but -- no, no -- we're back. We'll give them a run for their money.


The Huffington Post, Nov. 29, 2012

Mutants! Know now that you exist!
They have hid you in cities
And clothed you in fools clothes
Know now that you are free.


"A Manifesto for Mutants", San Francisco Oracle, Jan. 1967

Readers coming to the series recognize the echoes of real-world prejudice -- racism, homophobia, and so on -- and that in turn makes the series seem just that little bit more grounded in reality, despite the fact that it's essentially sci-fi. The difference between mutants and other heroes is that mutants are identifiably a human sub-species, marked by their possession of the X-gene. This provides a narrative rationale both for their solidarity and for the attacks made on them by groups and individuals with an agenda based on the psychology and politics of race hatred.


attributed, X-Men and the Mutant Metaphor: Race and Gender in the Comic Books