quotations about writing

Writing quote

Many writers are there that paint a stolen jade and sell it for a colt at the nearest fair.


Keystones of Thought

Tags: Austin O'Malley

Starting a new novel is a little like starting a new relationship -- you have to be prepared to commit for at least three years and put up with the domestic tedium as well as the emotional highs!


interview, Australian Women's Weekly, May 11, 2009

Tags: Tobsha Learner

For a sentence is not complete unless each word, once its syllables have been pronounced, gives way to make room for the next.



Tags: St. Augustine

I don't write about things that I have the answers to or things that are very close to home. It just wouldn't be any adventure. It wouldn't have any vitality.


Conversations with Ann Beattie

Tags: Ann Beattie

It is always vaunting, of course, to imagine yourself inside another person, but it is what a story writer does in every piece of work; it is his first step, and his last too, I suppose.


One Writer's Beginnings

A writer is a reader moved to emulation.


attributed, The Hidden Writer

Tags: Saul Bellow

After all, the original way of writing books may turn out to be the best. The first author, it is plain, could not have taken anything from books, since there were no books for him to copy from; he looked at things for himself.


Literary Studies

Tags: Walter Bagehot

For me, writing is just a thing I need to do everyday, like breathing or eating.


"Power of music shines in Capecelatro's heartfelt album", Seacoast Online, March 30, 2017

To subvert is not the aim of literature, its value lies in discovering and revealing what is rarely known, little known, thought to be known but in fact not very well known of the truth of the human world. It would seem that truth is the unassailable and most basic quality of literature.


Nobel Lecture, 2000

Tags: Gao Xingjian

When you invent something, you're drawing on reservoirs of knowledge that you already have. It's only when you're faithful to the truth that something can come to you from the outside.


interview, The Rumpus, April 25, 2012

Tags: Elif Batuman

Writing is -- at least for me -- movement forward, the conquest of a body that I do not know at all, away from something to something that I do not yet know; I never know what will happen -- and here 'happen' is not intended as plot resolution, in the sense of classical dramaturgy, but in the sense of a complicated and complex experiment that with given imaginary, spiritual, intellectual and sensual materials in interaction strives -- on paper to boot! -- towards incarnation.


Nobel Lecture, May 2, 1973

Writing keeps me at my desk, constantly trying to write a perfect sentence. It is a great privilege to make one's living from writing sentences. The sentence is the greatest invention of civilization. To sit all day long assembling these extraordinary strings of words is a marvelous thing. I couldn't ask for anything better. It's as near to godliness as I can get.... The great thrill is when a sentence that starts out being completely plain suddenly begins to sing, rising far above itself and above any expectation I might have had for it. That's what keeps me going on those dark December days.


The Paris Review, spring 2009

Tags: John Banville

You are that most ambiguous of citizens, the writer.


The Motion of Light in Water

Tags: Samuel R. Delany

Every word written is a net to catch the word that has escaped.


The Stone Gods

Tags: Jeanette Winterson

I have not felt in a humor to entertain you if I had taken up my pen. Perhaps some unbecoming invective might have fallen from it.


letter to John Adams, May 7, 1776

Tags: Abigail Adams

I seldom have a firm plot or any idea at all about the ending. But there is a clear, almost mathematically conceptual idea that determines length--the length or brevity of a literary work being comparable to the size of the frame needed by a picture.


The Paris Review, spring 1983

In his prime the Hollywood screenwriter was one of the tragic figures of our age, evoking the special anguish that arises from feeling sorry for oneself while making large amounts of money.


A User's Guide to the Millennium

Tags: J. G. Ballard

It is the glory and the merit of some men to write well, and of others not to write at all.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

Let us not, then, lament over the decay and oblivion into which ancient writers descend; they do but submit to the great law of nature, which declares that all sublunary shapes of matter shall be limited in their duration, but which decrees, also, that their elements and vegetable life, passes away, but the vital principle is transmitted to posterity, and the species continue to flourish. Thus, also, do authors beget authors, and having produced a numerous progeny, in a good old age they sleep with their fathers, that is to say, with the authors who preceded them--and from whom they had stolen.


"The Art of Book-Making", The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon

Occasionally, there arises a writing situation where you see an alternative to what you are doing, a mad, wild gamble of a way for handling something, which may leave you looking stupid, ridiculous or brilliant -- you just don't know which. You can play it safe there, too, and proceed along the route you'd mapped out for yourself. Or you can trust your personal demon who delivered that crazy idea in the first place. Trust your demon.


introduction, "Passion Play"

Tags: Roger Zelazny