quotations about women

There are few virtuous women who are not tired of their part.


Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims

Tags: Francois de La Rochefoucauld

To emancipate woman is to refuse to confine her to the relations she bears to man, not to deny them to her; let her have her independent existence and she will continue none the less to exist for him also: mutually recognising each other as subject, each will yet remain for the other an other. The reciprocity of their relations will not do away with the miracles -- desire, possession, love, dream, adventure -- worked by the division of human beings into two separate categories; and the words that move us -- giving, conquering, uniting -- will not lose their meaning. On the contrary, when we abolish the slavery of half of humanity, together with the whole system of hypocrisy that it implies, then the 'division' of humanity will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form.


The Second Sex

Tags: Simone de Beauvoir

When [Mike] Pence says he will not eat alone with a woman who is not his wife, he is perpetuating the patriarchal notion that women are either Mary, Jesus' pure virgin Mother, or Eve, a temptress, a liability. It perhaps is no coincidence that Pence reportedly refers to his Mary -- wife Karen Pence -- as "Mother." For Pence and many evangelical men, all women who are not Marys are Eves, placed peripherally in their lives as temptations to resist. Every Eve is one alone-meeting away from destroying a godly man. In order to protect their honor and reputation, these men cut us off completely. This reduces all women to a monolithic sexual identity. To men like Pence, we are not complex, complete, sacred vessels full of intellect and divinity and grit. We are not fully formed spiritual beings; we are not fully formed citizens. We are exclusively sexual creatures. This mistrust of women is pumped through the veins of the Christian church and, apparently, the executive branch of the United States of America.


"Mike Pence's Marriage Rule Holds Women Back", Time, April 3, 2017

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.


"Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World"

Tags: U2

If a woman's got nothing but her fair fame to feed on, why, it's thin tack, and a donkey would die of it!


Sons and Lovers

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

It took him a moment to respond to the unguarded sweetness of her smile, her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud yet guarantee a flower.


Tender Is the Night

Nymphomaniac: a woman as obsessed with sex as an average man.


The Neurotic's Notebook

Tags: Mignon McLaughlin

The fickleness of the women I love is only equaled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.


The Philanderer

Tags: George Bernard Shaw

The original oppression of Woman was based on crude denigration. She caused Man to fall, so she became a scapegoat. No, not a scapegoat which might be blameless but a culprit richly deserving of whatever suffering Man chose thereafter to heap on her. That is Woman in the Book of Genesis. Out here, our ancestors, without the benefit of hearing about the Old Testament, made the very same story differing only in local color. At first the Sky was very close to the Earth. But every evening Woman cut off a piece of the Sky to put in her soup pot, or in another version, she repeatedly banged the top end of her pestle carelessly against the Sky whenever she pounded millet or, as in yet another rendering -- so prodigious is Man's inventiveness, she wiped her kitchen hands in the Sky's face. Whatever the detail of Woman's provocation, the Sky moved away in anger, and God with it.


Anthills of the Savannah

Tags: Chinua Achebe

These little women are very important, and those that appear to be the humblest, often assume great authority in their homes.


The Poetics of Space

Tags: Gaston Bachelard

Yesterday woman was a chattel. Now she is, in law, a minor. Tomorrow she will be free, or partially so--that is to say, as free as man.


The American Bible

Tags: Elbert Hubbard

A woman well bred and well taught, furnished with the additional accomplishments of knowledge and behaviour, is a creature without comparison. Her society is the emblem of sublimer enjoyments, her person is angelic, and her conversation heavenly. She is all softness and sweetness, peace, love, wit, and delight. She is every way suitable to the sublimest wish, and the man that has such a one to his portion, has nothing to do but to rejoice in her, and be thankful.


The Education of Women

Tags: Daniel Defoe

A woman who can threaten your life before breakfast is the only sort of woman worth having.


Black Hills

Tags: Nora Roberts

A woman's love, like lichens upon a rock, will still grow where even charity can find no soil to nurture itself.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Grab a woman. Help the movement. Liberate a woman tonight. You'll get stale out here in the woods, living like a bear. Your balls will shrink, your tongue grow stiff and heavy. Your mind will wither away. Whatever became of William Gatlin? Went mad flogging his bloody duff.


The Serpents of Paradise

Tags: Edward Abbey

If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself;--all that runs over will be yours.



It has been our experience that women usually prefer thin, undernourished, flatchested females, dressed to the teeth, as a concept of "feminine beauty" -- and that men prefer exactly the opposite: voluptuous, well-rounded and undressed. The women's idealization of woman is actually a male counterpart, competing with man in society; man's view of women is far more truly feminine.


The Realist, May, 1961

Tags: Hugh Hefner

There is no moment that exceeds in beauty that moment when one looks at a woman and finds that she is looking at you in the same way that you are looking at her. The moment in which she bestows that look that says, "Proceed with your evil plan, sumbitch."


"The Sea of Hesitation"

Tags: Donald Barthelme

We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly.


The Advertiser, September 9, 2004

Tags: Margaret Atwood

A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it.



Tags: J. M. Coetzee