quotations about scuba diving
Shark encounters are one of the main fears people have when taking up, or thinking of trying, scuba diving. Many divers dream of seeing sharks while diving, but for some, it's still a cause of concern. So it's worth reminding them that coconuts present a far greater danger than sharks during a tropical vacation. Say what? Well, roughly 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts -- they are really, really heavy and fall from great heights -- compared to around 10 yearly fatalities from shark attacks.
"Fun Scuba Diving Facts", Scuba Diver Life, February 5, 2014
SCUBA diving is a sport which just about any yachtsman can enjoy, regardless of age. If you know how to swim, if your doctor pronounces you physically fit for diving, and if you receive competent instruction, there's no real reason you can't begin to enjoy the watery world under the keel of your boat.
"You're NOT too old to SCUBA dive!", Motor Boating & Sailing, April/May 1971
Scuba diving is fairly easy to figure out ... strap a tank on your back and breathe.
"What are the differences between snorkeling, free diving and skin diving?", Dive In
Scuba diving is very much a black and white world in terms of the laws and rules one must abide by. It comes down to clear-cut physics. If the laws are broken, severe penalties are exacted, including paralysis or even death.
The Blue Edge
Wedding-bells I'm out of that shell of slick talking
Honeymoon, deep scuba diving, kissing the dolphins
"Paradise (Life)"
Tropical coral reefs are to SCUBA diving what alpine peaks are to backpacking. Reefs are the highlights, the places where equipment manufacturers strut their stuff, and photographers shoot magazine covers.
Scuba Diving
The risks of diving even to shallow depths on compressed air are substantial. Scuba training programmes are there for a purpose.
"Crowdfunded Diving Kits Are Condemned As Dangerous", Dive Magazine, June 19, 2017
Diving in a group is reassuring and has significant benefits to overall safety. Every other diver in the team, even if you don't know them, is another pair of eyes to spot potential problems and provide an alternative source of air in an emergency if necessary.
"Learning to dive", Dive Magazine, January 3, 2017
Scuba diving does not require superhuman swimming powers. The goal of scuba diving is to spend as little energy as possible while diving. The more relaxed you are the longer your air will last.
"Diving Myths Debunked", Simply Scuba, November 3, 2017