A Jewish man with parents alive is a fifteen-year-old boy, and will remain a fifteen-year-old boy till they die.
PHILIP ROTH, Portnoy's Complaint
That body is still new to her, she's still trying it out, thinking it through, a bit like a kid walking the streets with a loaded gun and deciding whether he's packing it to protect himself or to begin a life of crime.
PHILIP ROTH, The Dying Animal
How easy life is when it's easy, and how hard when it's hard.
PHILIP ROTH, The Professor of Desire
It's not a question that interests me. I know exactly what it means to be Jewish, and it's really not interesting. I'm an American. You can't talk about this without walking straight out into horrible cliches that say nothing about human beings. America is first and foremost ... it's my language. And identity labels have nothing to do with how anyone actually experiences life.
PHILIP ROTH, The Guardian, Dec. 13, 2005
When you publish a book, it’s the world’s book. The world edits it.
PHILIP ROTH, New York Times Book Review, Sep. 2, 1979
I cannot and do not live in the world of discretion, not as a writer, anyway. I would prefer to, I assure you — it would make life easier. But discretion is, unfortunately, not for novelists.
PHILIP ROTH, Deception: A Novel
Nothing bad can happen to a writer. Everything is material.
PHILIP ROTH, attributed, Literary Agents: How to Get & Work With the Right One For You
There is truth and then again there is truth. For all that the world is full of people who go around believing they've got you or your neighbor figured out, there really is no bottom to what is not known. The truth about us is endless. As are the lies.
PHILIP ROTH, The Human Stain
Life is just a short period of time in which you are alive.
PHILIP ROTH, American Pastoral
These girls with old gents don't do it despite the age—they're drawn to the age, they do it for the age. Why? In Consuela's case, because the vast difference in age gives her permission to submit, I think. My age and my status give her, rationally, the license to surrender, and surrendering in bed is a not unpleasant sensation. But simultaneously, to give yourself over intimately to a much, much older man provides this sort of younger woman with authority of a kind she cannot get in a sexual arrangement with a younger man. She gets both the pleasures of submission and the pleasures of mastery.
PHILIP ROTH, The Dying Animal
Just like those who are incurably ill, the aged know everything about their dying except exactly when.
PHILIP ROTH, The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography
Baseball has two main elements that grip the fan. Like many other sports, it has great subtlety and it has individual heroism. As an American child you're mesmerized by both. As a boy you play baseball all summer long, all day long and into the evening, so long as there is still light enough to be able to see the ball. Then as an adult, you watch it and follow it for the rest of your life, still like a child.
PHILIP ROTH, Le Monde, special issue, Jan. 2013
I'm not good at finding 'encouraging' features in American culture. I doubt that aesthetic literacy has much of a future here.
PHILIP ROTH, Observer, 2001
Doctor doctor, what do you say, lets put the id back in yid.
PHILIP ROTH, Portnoy's Complaint
Circumcision is startling, all right, particularly when performed by a garlicked old man upon the glory of a newborn body, but then maybe that’s what the Jews had in mind and what makes the act seem quintessentially Jewish and the mark of their reality. Circumcision makes it clear as can be that you are here and not there, that you are out and not in — also that you’re mine and not theirs.... Quite convincingly, circumcision gives the lie to the womb-dream of life in the beautiful state of innocent prehistory, the appealing idyll of living "naturally," unencumbered by man-made ritual. To be born is to lose all that. The heavy hand of human values falls upon you right at the start, marking your genitals as its own.
PHILIP ROTH, The Counterlife
I'm exactly the opposite of religious. I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie.
PHILIP ROTH, The Guardian, Dec. 13, 2005
Eight years ago I attended a memorial ceremony for an author. An incredible man full of life and humour, curiosity. He worked for a magazine here in New York. He had girlfriends, mistresses. And at this memorial ceremony there were all these women. Of all ages. And they all cried and left the room, because they couldn't stand it. That was the greatest tribute.
PHILIP ROTH, The Guardian, Dec. 13, 2005
I don't ask writers about their work habits. I really don't care. Joyce Carol Oates says somewhere that when writers ask each other what time they start working and when they finish and how much time they take for lunch, they're actually trying to find out, 'Is he as crazy as I am?' I don’t need that question answered.
PHILIP ROTH, The Paris Review, fall 1984
I know nothing about book clubs. From my many years as a university literature teacher I do know that it takes all the rigour one can muster over the course of a semester to get even the best undergraduates to read precisely the fiction at hand, with all their intelligence, without habitual moralising, ingenious interpretation, biographical speculation and, too, to beware of the awful spectre of the steamrolling generalisation. Is such protracted rigour the hallmark of book clubs?
PHILIP ROTH, The Guardian, Feb. 4, 2014
The power in any society is with those who get to impose the fantasy. It is no longer, as it was for centuries throughout Europe, the church that imposes its fantasy on the populace, nor is it the totalitarian superstate that imposes the fantasy, as it did for 12 years in Nazi Germany and for 69 years in the Soviet Union. Now the fantasy that prevails is the all-consuming, voraciously consumed popular culture, seemingly spawned by, of all things, freedom. The young especially live according to beliefs that are thought up for them by the society’s most unthinking people and by the businesses least impeded by innocent ends. Ingeniously as their parents and teachers may attempt to protect the young from being drawn, to their detriment, into the moronic amusement park that is now universal, the preponderance of the power is not with them.
PHILIP ROTH, "My Life as a Writer," New York Times, Mar. 2, 2014
Every writer learns over a lifetime to be tolerant of the stupid inferences that are drawn from literature and the fantasies implausibly imposed upon it.
PHILIP ROTH, "My Life as a Writer," New York Times, Mar. 2, 2014
As I see it, my focus has never been on masculine power rampant and triumphant but rather on the antithesis: masculine power impaired. I have hardly been singing a paean to male superiority but rather representing manhood stumbling, constricted, humbled, devastated and brought down. I am not a utopian moralist. My intention is to present my fictional men not as they should be but vexed as men are.
PHILIP ROTH, "My Life as a Writer," New York Times, Mar. 2, 2014
I turn sentences around. That's my life. I write a sentence and then I turn it around. Then I look at it and turn it around again.
PHILIP ROTH, Ghost Writer