quotations about love
There's always a side of folly with any serving of love. And isn't that what makes it so delicious?
"Truly, Madly, Deeply--A Fable Explains Why Love is Crazy", Huffington Post, October 31, 2017
Pure Christian love is not derived from the merit of the object.
Sermon XI, A Selection of the Most Celebrated Sermons of M. Luther and J. Calvin
Love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year, and blessing those who give and those who receive.
Little Women
It is certain there is no other passion which does produce such contrary effects in so great a degree. But this may be said for love, that if you strike it out of the soul, life would be insipid, and our being but half animated. Human nature would sink into deadness and lethargy, if not quickened with some active principle; and as for all others, whether ambition, envy, or avarice, which are apt to possess the mind in the absence of this passion, it must be allowed that they have greater pains, without the compensation of such exquisite pleasures as those we find in love.
"The Passion of Love", Essays Moral and Humorous
The first love disappears, but never goes. That ache becomes reconciliation.
Just Above My Head
Love is a stream that will find its course.
A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman's life, and exalts habit into partnership with the soul's highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills: to know that high initiation, she must often tread where it is hard to tread, and feel the chill air, and watch through darkness. It is not true that love makes things easy: it makes us choose what is difficult.
Felix Holt
That adoration which a young man gives to a woman whom he feels to be greater and better than himself, is hardly distinguishable from religious feeling. What deep and worthy love is so? whether of woman or child, or art or music. Our caresses, our tender words, our still rapture under the influence of autumn sunsets, or pillared vistas, or calm majestic statues, or Beethoven symphonies, all bring with them the consciousness that they are mere waves and ripples in an unfathomable ocean of love and beauty; our emotion in its keenest moment passes from expression into silence, our love at its highest flood rushes beyond its object, and loses itself in the sense of divine mystery.
Adam Bede
Love is but a fire that is to be transmitted.
The Psychoanalysis of Fire
Christians see love as a vertical (love for God) and horizontal (love for fellow human beings). Just as the vertical and horizontal wood or metal come together to form a cross, so also love for God and love for fellow human beings define the whole essence of love.
"Love is a cross", Vanguard, November 11, 2017
Love is ... letting them flirt with the person next door, because you understand they need to feel like anything is possible.
"Love is ... let me count the ways you are special", The Guardian, February 14, 2016
Life is a song. Love is the music.
Never marry but for love; but see that thou lov'st what is lovely.
Some Fruits of Solitude
There is no passion that more excites us to every thing that is noble and generous than virtuous Love.
Thoughts Moral and Divine
A woman findeth in her last lover much of her first love; but a man seeth his next-to-the-last love, alway.
The Maxims of Methuselah
What is commonly called "falling in love" is in most cases an intensification of egoic wanting and needing. You become addicted to another person, or rather to your image of that person. It has nothing to do with true love, which contains no wanting whatsoever.
A New Earth
Two such as you with such a master speed
Cannot be parted nor be swept away
From one another once you are agreed
That life is only life forevermore
Together wing to wing and oar to oar.
The Master Speed
In love, we are best pleased when we please others.
Maxims and Moral Reflections
Love is when you come back from the supermarket having rung ten times to check what is needed and you arrive in and take off your wet coat and there's no milk and you go back out.
"Love is ...", The Independent, February 15, 2016
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
A Friend from England