quotations about love

love quote

To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But, then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness -- I hope you're getting this down.


Love and Death

Tags: Woody Allen

All love that has not friendship for its base,
Is like a mansion built upon the sand.
Though brave its walls as any in the land,
And its tall turrets lift their heads in grace;
Though skilful and accomplished artists trace
Most beautiful designs on every hand,
And gleaming statues in dim niches stand,
And fountains play in some flow'r-hidden place:
Yet, when from the frowning east a sudden gust
Of adverst fate is blown, or sad rains fall
Day in, day out, against its yielding wall,
Lo! the fair structure crumbles to the dust.
Love, to endure life's sorrow and earth's woe,
Needs friendship's solid masonwork below.


"Upon the Sand"

In order to be loved, we have to love, which means we have to understand.


Teachings on Love

This love, this mortal love, is of their own making ... the thing we did not intend, foresee or sanction. How then should it not fascinate us?... It is as if a fractious child had been handed a few timber shavings and a bucket of mud to keep him quiet only for him promptly to erect a cathedral.... Within the precincts of this consecrated house they afford each other sanctuary, excuse each other their failings, their sweats and smells, their lies and subterfuges, above all their ineradicable self-obsession. This is what baffles us, how they wriggled out of our grasp and somehow became free to forgive each other for all that they are not.


The Infinities

Tags: John Banville

Love blurs your vision; but after it recedes, you can see more clearly than ever. It's like the tide going out, revealing whatever's been thrown away and sunk: broken bottles, old gloves, rusting pop cans, nibbled fishbodies, bones.


Cat's Eye

Margaret Atwood (born November 18, 1939) is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, teacher, environmental activist, and inventor. Her works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics".

Tags: Margaret Atwood

To love is to destroy, and ... to be loved is to be the one destroyed.


City of Bones

Tags: Cassandra Clare

We value love not because it's stronger than death but because it's weaker. Say what you want about love: death will finish it. You will not go on loving in the grave, not in any physical way that will at all resemble love as we know it on earth. The perishable nature of love is what gives love its importance in our lives. If it were endless, if it were on tap, love wouldn't hit us the way it does.


My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead

Tags: Jeffrey Eugenides

Love is a tenuous, halting, delicate dance at first, a gentle gavotte, a pas de deux of fits and starts and sweaty palms and nervous smiles. But when you fall, really fall, it is like topping that first high hill on a roller coaster, when the nerves give way to a breathless ride punctuated by dips and dives and moments when your stomach feels as if it is trying to escape through your throat.


"Love has many facets; abuse isn't one of them", Enid News & Eagle, October 21, 2018

I saw her, met her, liked her, got to know her, let her know I was interested, pursued her, wooed her, won a place with her, spent time with her and grew to love her.


"Altitude Sickness: Romantic love is a verb", Mountain Times, March 9, 2016

The great unrequited love tears open your heart to the beauty of the world, its small rivers and upland meadows. It also makes you kinder to the next hundred thousand persons who cross your path.


"Life's Variety Pack", A Prairie Home Companion, Nov. 3, 2009

Tags: Garrison Keillor

Love is service! A humble service, done in silence and hiddenness, as Jesus himself said: 'Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.'


"Love is the hidden service we do for others, Pope Francis says", Angelus: The Tidings Online, March 14, 2016

At some point in my life I'd honestly hoped love would rescue me from the cold, drafty castle I lived in. But at another point, much earlier I think, I'd quietly begun to hope for nothing at all in the way of love, so as not to be disappointed. It works. It gets to be a habit.


Animal Dreams

Tags: Barbara Kingsolver

If you have love in you, it's a strength. But if you are in love, it's a weakness.


Day Watch

They stayed together and watched each other slowly become strangers, watched their love die as you watch a great old gum tree succumb to dieback.


The Unknown Terrorist

Tags: Richard Flanagan

Divinely blessed is rose or man
That answers to love's whispered plan,
And gladly owns it paradise
To be love's perfect sacrifice.


"The Lady and the Rose"

Edwin Leibfreed published several books of poetry, including A Garland of Verse (1910), A Soliloquy of Life (1915), and The Man of a Thousand Loves (1932).

Life is too short to not spend it with the people you love, I murmured. Did you just read an Instagram caption? my boyfriend asked. I huffed. I said that it was a midnight musing--not an Instagram caption. But it's true. To me, at least. From reading children's books to books about death and illness and meaning and regret, I gather that this abstraction--love!--that poets wax on about and singers warble on about and writers scribble on about is what matters most. It isn't money or material items or career or achievements or resumé markers or positions or charm. It's the simple, deceptively simple! equation of existence: to love and to be loved.


"To Love and To Be Loved", coolpeppermint, June 8, 2018

Tags: love

You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.



We cannot reason ourselves into love, nor can we reason ourselves out of it, which suggests that love and reason have little to do with each other.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Enjoyment inflames love in some men, and extinguishes it in others: the wind that assists large vessels, upsets small ones.


Maxims and Moral Reflections

Love is the wine of existence. When you have taken that, you have taken the most precious drop that there is in the cluster.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher