quotations about love

love quote

Among all methods by which love is brought into being, among all the agents which disseminate that blessed bane, there are few so efficacious as this gust of feverish agitation that sweeps over us from time to time. For then the die is cast, the person whose company we enjoy at that moment is the person we shall henceforward love. It is not even necessary for that person to have attracted us, up till then, more than or even as much as others. All that was needed was that our predilection should become exclusive. And that condition is fulfilled when -- in this moment of deprivation -- the quest is for the pleasures we enjoyed in his or her company is suddenly replaced by an anxious, torturing need, whose object is the person alone, an absurd, irrational need which the laws of this world make it impossible to satisfy and difficult to assuage -- the insensate, agonizing need to possess exclusively.


Swann's Way

Tags: Marcel Proust

It isn't enough to love people because they're good to you, or because in some way or other you're going to get something by it. We have to love because we love loving.


A Bit O' Love

Only love makes fruitful the soul.



Tags: John Galsworthy

As the gambler said of his dice, to love and win is the best thing, to love and lose is the next best.



Love seems to survive life, and to reach beyond it. I think we take it with us past the grave. Do we not still give it to those who have left us? May we not hope that they feel it for us, and that we shall leave it here in one or two fond bosoms, when we also are gone?


The Virginians

Love, amid the other graces of this world, is like a cathedral tower, which begins at the earth and at the first is surrounded by the other parts of the structure. But at length, rising above buttresses, wall and arch, and parapet and pinnacle, it shoots, spire-like, many a foot right into the air, so high that the huge cross on its summit glows like a spark in the morning light, and shines like a star in the evening sky, when the rest of the pile is enveloped in darkness. So love here is surrounded by the other graces, and divides the honors with them; but they will have felt the wrap of night and of darkness, when it will shine, luminous, against the sky of eternity.


Life Thoughts

Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed.


Blue Moon

No distance can keep anxious lovers long asunder.


letter to the Marquis de Lafayette, Sep. 30, 1779

Tags: George Washington

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life... You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore.


The Sandman, #65

Neil Gaiman (born 10 November 1960) is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, films, and nonfiction. He is best known for the comic book series The Sandman and novels such as American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book.

Tags: Neil Gaiman

A summer breeze can be very refreshing; but if we try to put it in a tin can so we can have it entirely to ourselves, the breeze will die. Our beloved is the same. He is like a breeze, a cloud, a flower. If you imprison him in a tin can, he will die. Yet many people do just that. They rob their loved one of his liberty, until he can no longer be himself. They live to satisfy themselves and use their loved one to help them fulfill that. That is not loving; it is destroying.


Teachings on Love

Tags: Thich Nhat Hanh

Love means not ever having to say you're sorry.


Love Story

Tags: Erich Segal

Love--that divine fire which was made to light and warm the temple of home--sometimes burns at unholy altars.



Tags: Horace Mann

Love -- bittersweet, irrepressible -- loosens my limbs and I tremble.


"To Atthis"

Sappho (c. 630 - c. 570 BC) was a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. Although most of her poetry is now lost, she was regarded in ancient times as one of the greatest lyric poets and given names such as the "Tenth Muse" and "The Poetess," just as Homer was called "the Poet."

Tags: Sappho

PIGLET: How do you spell 'love'?
POOH: You don't spell it, you feel it.


Winnie the Pooh

Tags: A. A. Milne

It's easier to avoid the snares of love than to escape once you are in that net.


De Rerum Natura

Tags: Lucretius

If I'm meant to love people, I should love everyone.
What kind of tide can an ocean bestow
if it picks and chooses the rocks it's willing to touch?


"Aunt Lydia Practices Loving Komodo Dragons", Debt to the Bone-Eating Snotflower

Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.


Other Voices, Other Rooms

Tags: Truman Capote

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love
I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you
The joy it brings
Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again
You take me to
And lead me through oblivion


"I Feel You", Songs of Faith and Devotion

Happiest time of youth and life, when love is first spoken and returned; when the dearest eyes are daily shining welcome, and the fondest lips never tire of whispering their sweet secrets; when the parting look that accompanies "Good night!" gives delightful warning of tomorrow.


The Virginians

[Nature's] crown is Love. Only through Love can we come near her. She puts gulfs between all things, and all things strive to be interfused. She isolates everything, that she may draw everything together. With a few draughts from the cup of Love she repays for a life full of trouble.


The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe

Tags: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe