English essayist and critic (1775-1834)

Charles Lamb quote

Can we ring the bells backward? Can we unlearn the arts that pretend to civilize, and then burn the world? There is a march of science; but who shall beat the drums for its retreat?


letter to George Dyer, Dec. 20, 1830

Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength.


"Witches and Other Night Fears", Essays of Elia

Take my word for this, reader, and say a fool told it you, if you please, that he who hath not a dram of folly in his mixture, hath pounds of much worse matter in his composition.


"All Fools' Day", Elia

There is a pleasure in affecting affectation.


"Table Talk", Works: Essays and Sketches

But besides Sundays I had a day at Easter, and a day at Christmas, with a full week in the summer to go and air myself in my native fields of Hertfordshire. This last was a great indulgence; and the prospect of its recurrence, I believe, alone kept me up through the year, and made my durance tolerable. But when the week came round, did the glittering fantom of the distance keep touch with me? Or rather was it not a series of seven uneasy days, spent in restless pursuit of pleasure, and a wearisome anxiety to find out how to make the most of them? Where was the quiet, where the promised rest? Before I had a taste of it, it was vanished. I was at the desk again, counting upon the fifty-one tedious weeks that must intervene before such another snatch would come.


Essays of Elia

Tags: vacations

We are ashamed at the sight of a monkey--somehow as we are shy of poor relations.


"Table-Talk and Fragments of Criticism", The Life and Works of Charles Lamb

Tags: evolution

It is rather an unpleasant fact, that the ugliest and awkwardest of brute animals have the greatest resemblance to man: the monkey and the bear. The monkey is ugly too (so we think) because he is like man--as the bear is awkward, because the cumbrous action of its huge paws seems to be a preposterous imitation of the motions of human hands. Men and apes are the only animals that have hairs on the under eye-lid. Let kings know this.


"Table Talk", Works: Essays and Sketches

What a place to be is an old library! It seems as though all the souls of all the writers, that have bequeathed their labours ... were reposing here, as in some dormitory, or middle state. I do not want to handle, to profane the leaves, their winding-sheets.


Elia and the Last Essays of Elia

Tags: libraries

The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow, and the men who lend.


"The Two Races of Men", Essays of Elia

Tags: borrowing, lending

Antiquity! thou wondrous charm, what art thou? that being nothing art everything? When thou wert, thou wert not antiquity -- then thou wert nothing, but hadst a remoter antiquity, as thou calledst it, to look back to with blind veneration; thou thyself being to thyself flat, jejune, modern! What mystery lurks in this retroversion? or what half Januses are we, that cannot look forward with the same idolatry with which we for ever revert! The mighty future is as nothing, being everything! the past is everything, being nothing!


"Oxford in the Vacation", Elia and the Last Essays of Elia

A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.



Tags: laughter

In some respects the better a book is, the less it demands from binding.


"On Books and Reading", The Last Essays of Elia

Who first invented work and bound the free
And holiday-rejoicing spirit down
To the unremitting importunity
Of business, in the green fields, and the town;
To plough, loom, anvil, spade--and oh! most sad!
To this dry drudgery of the desk's dead wood?
Who but the Being unblest, alien from good,


"Sonnet", The Examiner, Jun. 20, 1819

Tags: work

The man must have a rare recipe for melancholy, who can be dull in Fleet Street.


letter to Thomas Manning, Feb. 15, 1802

Rags, which are the reproach of poverty, are the beggar's robes, and graceful insignia of his profession, his tenure, his full dress, the suit of which he is expected to show himself in public.


Essays of Elia

Tags: poverty

Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.


letter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Feb. 13, 1797

Tags: friendship

Cultivate simplicity ... or rather should I say banish elaborateness, for simplicity springs spontaneous from the heart, and carries into daylight with it its own modest buds, and genuine, sweet, and clear flowers of expression.


letter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Nov. 8, 1796

Tags: simplicity

Men marry for fortune, and sometimes to please their fancy; but, much oftener than is suspected, they consider what the world will say of it--how such a woman in their friends' eyes will look at the head of a table. Hence we see so many insipid beauties made wives of, that could not have struck the particular fancy of any man that had any fancy at all.


"Table-Talk and Fragments of Criticism", The Life and Works of Charles Lamb

Your borrowers of books--those mutilators of collections, spoilers of the symmetry of shelves, and creators of odd volumes.


"The Two Races of Men", Essays of Elia

Tags: books

A man can never have too much Time to himself, nor too little to do. Had I a little son, I would christen him Nothing-To-Do; he should do nothing. Man, I verily believe, is out of his element as long as he is operative. I am altogether for the life contemplative.


"The Superannuated Man", Last Essays of Elia