quotations about brides

The enormously sophisticated, well-funded members of The Wedding Industrial Complex ... know more about brides' and grooms' anxieties than brides and grooms do. And they have made a special science of profiling the cash cow that is the modern bride.


I Do But I Don't: Why the Way We Marry Matters

The first change the woman must adjust to is no longer being a bride.


The Conscious Bride

The first time you see your grown-up little miss looking back at you from a sea of white chiffon or beaded satin glory, indeed your heart will skip a beat. You'll find yourself blinking back tears. That elusive someday has suddenly become now. Your little girl--your jewel--is going to be a bride.


Mother of the Bride

I saw that being a bride was not about being myself, but about finding myself as a bride, because a bride is not an individual woman, but an icon of womanhood; a bride is not a person, but a thing. Seeing myself transformed into a thing so symbolic, so timeless, and so utterly feminine enthralled me in a way I had never anticipated. But for an instant I allowed myself to acknowledge that it unnerved me in a way I'd never anticipated, either. Something about playing the role of bride felt threatening, though I couldn't say what felt threatened, exactly, and I couldn't say why.


introduction, I Do But I Don't: Walking Down the Aisle Without Losing Your Mind

The bride,
Lovely herself, and lovely by her side
A bevy of bright nymphs, with sober grace,
Came glitt'ring like a star, and took her place:
Her heav'nly form beheld, all wish'd her joy;
And little wanted, but in vain, their wishes all employ.


"The Twelfth Book of Ovid's Metamorphoses"

Remember that to use a thing is not to own it and should you ever take a bride, listen closely to her questions. In them you may hear her true name like the thunder of a lost river, like the sighing of the sea.


The Language of the Thorns