French actress (1844-1923)
Me pray? Never! I'm an atheist.
attributed, What Great Men Think of Religion
I refuse the title of artist to those who owe their reputations to a physical deformity. I regard them as buffoons.
The Art of the Theatre
Eleonora Duse is more a comedian than an artiste. She walks in paths that have been traced out by others. She does not imitate them, certainly not, for she plants flowers where there were trees and trees where there were flowers, but she has never by her art made a single personage stand out identified by her name; she has not created a being or a vision which reminds one of herself. She has put on other people's gloves, but she has put them on inside out. And all this she has done with infinite grace and with careless unconsciousness.
Memories of My Life
Politics and governments -- they are more than I can understand. Present systems are corrupted by personal ambition. It is all so complicated and insincere. Conditions are much worse now than they were during the war. In 1914 we went into the fight without argument. We finished it with very little, but now, strangely enough, comes all the wrangling, the restrictions, the selfishness.
"Bernhardt Triumphs in New Role", Theatre Magazine, 1920
The truth, the absolute truth, is that the chief beauty for the theatre consists in fine bodily proportions.
The Art of the Theatre
The actor is too prone to exaggerate his powers; he wants to play Hamlet when his appearance is more suitable to King Lear.
The Art of the Theatre
Had my child been a clergyman's probably he would have been strangled at birth.
response to a clergyman who denounced her for having a child out of wedlock, "The first modern celebrity was born 175 years ago", Vox, June 26, 2019
Life is, alas, one eternal combat.
The Idol of Paris
My life has been a struggle -- a struggle to have my own way where I felt I was in the right.
"The first modern celebrity was born 175 years ago", Vox, June 26, 2019
The courtesy of the well-educated man vanishes before the footlights, and the comedian, who in private life would render a service to a woman in any difficulty, will pick a quarrel with her on the stage. He would risk his life to save her from any danger in the road, on the railway, or on a boat, but when once on the boards he will not do anything to help her out of a difficulty. If her memory should fail, or if she should make a false step, he would not hesitate to push her--I am going a long way, perhaps, but not so far as people may think.
Memories of My Life
Can philosophy and religion evolve without danger in the same mind?
The Idol of Paris
The theatre is the involuntary reflex of the ideas of the crowd.
The Art of the Theatre
I am always studying character. Everyone I meet is a new study.
The Strand Magazine, 1895
In the theater it is better to have long arms, long rather than short: an actor with short arms can never make a fine gesture!
My Double Life
Although all new ideas are born in France, they are not readily adopted there. It seems that they must first commence to prosper in a foreign country.
The Art of the Theatre
Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labour, always inspired by the ideal.
The Art of the Theatre
I know very well that the theatre is Sodom and Gomorrah in one.
The Idol of Paris
The dramatic art would appear to be rather a feminine art; it contains in itself all the artifices which belong to the province ofwoman: the desire to please, facility to express emotions and hide defects, and the faculty of assimilation which is the real essence of woman.
The Art of the Theatre
Those who know the joys and miseries of celebrity when they have passed the age of forty know how to defend themselves. They are at the beginning of a series of small worries, thunderbolts hidden under flowers, but they know how to hold in check that monster advertisement. It is a sort of octopus with innumerable tentacles. It throws out to right and left, in front and behind, its clammy arms, and gathers in, through its thousand little suckers, all the gossip and slander and praise afloat, to spit out again at the public when it is vomiting its black gall. But those who are caught in the clutches of celebrity at the age of twenty two know nothing.
My Double Life
Actors of the first water are not more plentiful than playwrights of genius.
The Art of the Theatre