American novelist & poet (1869-1954)

My friend, there is nothing to fear in death. It is no harder than a trip to a foreign country—the first trip—to one who has grown oldish and settled in the habits of his own more or less narrow corner of the world.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: death

There are horrors out here—far worse than the horrors on earth.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Deep Love is slow of speech and void of art;
Silence and timid tears reveal his heart.
But shallow Love is ever eloquent
To mouth his meagre passion -- and depart.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: love

Immortal love is fearless, and leaves the key of its door on the outside.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: leaves

I saw a bird on a bough and wondered if he were dreaming. And then another came; the two sat long together and not a note they sang. The sun went down in the west, and the shadows wrapt their veils around the shivering earth; the moon arose behind the mountains, the full-faced harvest moon that turns all things to magic. The two birds on the bough were dark against the moon's gold face. And still no note they sang—their silence thrilled the world. And I forgot the meadows and the hills, the trees and the golden harvest; for I knew that those two dreaming birds were the heart of a miracle.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: birds

Our sorrows are the golden grain
Of the great reaper--Art.


The Frozen Grail and Other Poems

Tags: art

I met one man who refused to speak of the earth, and was always talking about "going on." I reminded him that if he went on far enough he would come back to the place from which he started.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Only the Lord of Change has endless sway.
The vanished Love of our dead yesterday.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: change

Give me to drink the poison of thy breast--
Dark cruel wine from grapes of passion pressed--
Till I am drunk beyond delirium's dream
In that dim utter deep where men may rest.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: Men

Is there no anodyne despair may buy,
No draught of dreamless sleep for such as I?
Discordant singer in the choir of Love,
Who neither cares to live nor dares to die.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: despair

For a body of dust is a limit to the loving of a soul.
It sees a face and finds it fair, forgetting the myriad who are unseen.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: soul

Life can be so free here! There is none of that machinery of living which makes people on earth such slaves. In our world a man is held only by his thoughts. If they are free, he is free.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: slaves

To get, one must give. That is the Law.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: law

I want to say a word to those who are about to die. I want to beg them to forget their bodies as soon as possible after the change which they call death. Oh, the terrible curiosity to go back and look upon that thing which we once believed to be ourselves! The thought comes to us now and then so powerfully that it acts in a way against our will and draws us back to it. With some it is a morbid obsession, and many cannot get free from it while there remains a shred of flesh on the bones which they once leaned upon. Tell them to forget it altogether, to force the thought away, to go out into the other life free. Looking back upon the past is sometimes good, but not upon this relic of the past.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: past

For me the cosmic aeons lie complete,
O Love, between thy forehead and thy feet!


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: love

I know a logic beyond time and space; that is why I am so illogical, why space cannot hold me nor time make me old.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: time

When I entreated Life to make me wise,
It drew aside Love's broidered veil of lies;
And perilous Beauty, undivined before,
Beckoned me from the mazes of his eyes.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: beauty

The discords of dragon-laughter are often heard in the orchestra of God.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: dragon

You can do so much for me by lending me your hand occasionally, that I wonder why you shrink from it.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: lending

I know that I am a charmer, for when I wait Time always stands still.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: time