American novelist (1960- )
The knowledge that at any moment you would be expected to and in fact would sacrifice your life for that of another man, for the benefit of the common good, made for a supremely noble act in a world more and more devoid of anything remotely virtuous.
Absolute Power
If you really love each other, you'd be surprised what you can accomplish.
The Christmas Train
There are two different kinds of terrorists. I think what happened in Las Vegas or in Texas shows we need to expand our definition of terrorism. In my mind these are incidents of terrorism, just as what happened in New York to those bikers. If the act is designed to kill people and instill fear in people's hearts it is terrorism.
interview, Crime Spree Magazine, November 14, 2017
I've fought for and against pretty much every cause there is. There will always be war of some kind. At first it was over fertile soil and good water, then precious metal and then the most popular version of human disagreement, "My God is better than your God." Whether you draw your faith from Jeremiah and Jesus, Allah and Muhammad or Brahma and Buddha, it doesn't matter. Someone will tell you you're wrong, and he'll fight you over it. Me, I believe in aliens, and to hell with all earthly gods. In the grand scheme of a trillion planets in the universe we're just not that damn important anyway. And humans are rotten to the core.
The Camel Club
Anyone who's lived has lost somebody.
The Whole Truth
She sat in her living room and gazed around at the memories of a lifetime. On the walls and shelves were photos of friends and family. Her gaze rested longest on a picture of her husband, Lloyd, a natural-born salesman. She had fallen in love with him after World War II. He had sold her a bill of goods, too, she supposed. He always claimed to be more successful than he was. He was a good salesman but a bigger spendthrift, she had found. But he was funny, made her laugh, didn't have a violent bone in his body, never drank to excess, and he loved her. He never cheated on her, though with his job and the traveling involved, he certainly had had chances to wander from his marriage vows.
The Forgotten
At night, the prison cells hold the darkness of a cave but for odd shapes here and there.
The Simple Truth