English economist and political analyst (1826-1877)

The worst judge, they say, is a deaf judge; the most dull Government is a free Government on matters its ruling classes will not hear.


The English Constitution

Tags: government

Commerce is like war; its result is patent. Do you make money or do you not make it? There is as little appeal from figures as from battle.


The English Constitution

Tags: money

Before history began there must have been in the nation which writes it much progress; else there could have been no history. It is a great advance in civilisation to be able to describe the common facts of life, and perhaps, if we were to examine it, we should find that it was at least an equal advance to wish to describe them.


Physics and Politics

Tags: history

The quaking bystanders in a superstitious age would soon have slain an isolated bold man in the beginning of his innovations.


Physics and Politics

Tags: age

No one should be surprised at the prominence given to war. We are dealing with early ages; nation-MAKING is the occupation of man in these ages, and it is war that makes nations. Nation-CHANGING comes afterwards, and is mostly effected by peaceful revolution, though even then war, too, plays its part. The idea of an indestructible nation is a modern idea; in early ages all nations were destructible, and the further we go back, the more incessant was the work of destruction. The internal decoration of nations is a sort of secondary process, which succeeds when the main forces that create nations have principally done their work. We have here been concerned with the political scaffolding; it will be the task of other papers to trace the process of political finishing and building. The nicer play of finer forces may then require more pleasing thoughts than the fierce fights of early ages can ever suggest. It belongs to the idea of progress that beginnings can never seem attractive to those who live far on; the price of improvement is, that the unimproved will always look degraded.


Physics and Politics

Tags: war

Commerce brings this mingling of ideas, this breaking down of old creeds, and brings it inevitably.


Physics and Politics

Tags: ideas

What writers are expected to write, they write; or else they do not write at all.


Physics and Politics

The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first and deadly afterwards.


Physics and Politics

Tags: civilization

Wit is part of the machinery of the intellect.


Literary Studies

A legislature continuously sitting, always making laws, always repealing laws, would have been both an anomaly and a nuisance.


The English Constitution

The conspicuous dignity awakens the sentiment of reverence, and men, often very undignified, seize the occasion to govern by means of it.


The English Constitution

Tags: dignity

This may sound like nonsense, and yet it is true. There is around some men a kind of circle or halo of influences, and traits, and associations, by which they infallibly leave a distinct and uniform impression on all their contemporaries. It is very difficult, even for those who have the best opportunities, to analyze exactly what this impression consists in, or why it was made—but it is made.


Literary Studies

Tags: Men

The most difficult of problems is how to change late foes into free friends.


The English Constitution

Tags: change

In many matters of business, perhaps in most, a continuity of mediocrity is better than a hotch-potch of excellences.


The English Constitution

Tags: business

If we remember the great reverence which used to be paid to nobility as such, we shall be surprised that the House of Lords as an assembly, has always been inferior; that it was always just as now, not the first, but the second of our assemblies. I am not, of course, now speaking of the middle ages: I am not dealing with the embryo or the infant form of our Constitution; I am only speaking of its adult form. Take the times of Sir R. Walpole. He was Prime Minister because he managed the House of Commons; he was turned out because he was beaten on an election petition in that House; he ruled England because he ruled that House. Yet the nobility were then the governing power in England. In many districts the word of some lord was law. The "wicked Lord Lowther," as he was called, left a name of terror in Westmoreland during the memory of men now living. A great part of the borough members and a great part of the county members were their nominees; an obedient, unquestioning deference was paid them. As individuals the peers were the greatest people; as a House the collected peers were but the second House.


The English Constitution

Tags: nobility

If we leave literary theory, and look to our actual old law, it is wonderful how much the sovereign can do. A few years ago the Queen very wisely attempted to make life peers, and the House of Lords very unwisely, and contrary to its own best interests, refused to admit her claim. They said her power had decayed into non-existence; she once had it, they allowed, but it had ceased by long disuse. If any one will run over the pages of Comyn's Digest or any other such book, title "Prerogative," he will find the Queen has a hundred such powers which waver between reality and desuetude, and which would cause a protracted and very interesting legal argument if she tried to exercise them. Some good lawyer ought to write a careful book to say which of these powers are really usable, and which are obsolete. There is no authentic explicit information as to what the Queen can do, any more than of what she does.


The English Constitution

Tags: exercise

I conceive, therefore, that the great power of the House of Lords should be exercised very timidly and very cautiously. For the sake of keeping the headship of the plutocracy, and through that of the nation, they should not offend the plutocracy; the points upon which they have to yield are mostly very minor ones, and they should yield many great points rather than risk the bottom of their power. They should give large donations out of income, if by so doing they keep, as they would keep, their capital intact. The Duke of Wellington guided the House of Lords in this manner for years, and nothing could prosper better for them or for the country, and the Lords have only to go back to the good path in which he directed them.


The English Constitution

Tags: power

At an election the non-titled are much more powerful than the titled.


The English Constitution

But much argument is not required to guide the public, still less a formal exposition of that argument. What is mostly needed is the manly utterance of clear conclusions; if a statesman gives these in a felicitous way (and if with a few light and humorous illustrations, so much the better), he has done his part.


The English Constitution

Tags: humorous

We have brought in the yoke of custom to improve the world, and in the world the custom sticks.


Physics and Politics

Tags: custom