quotations about absolutism

The issue, rather, is absolutism. Every human has their own conception of how to achieve 'the good life', but besides very limited exceptions, it is wrong and unnatural to impose these onto anyone else. One of the most important things shared in common by belief systems which turn into absolutist ideologies is that despite their supposedly noble aims for humanity, they begin to violently enforce these beliefs onto people regardless of whether or not they agree.


"Absolutism, Not Islam, Is The Problem", Huffington Post, December 11, 2012

Obama wants to turn the idea of absolutism into a dirty word. Just another word for extremism. He wants you, all of you, and Americans throughout all of this country, to accept the idea of principles as he sees fit. It's a way of redefining words so that common sense is turned upside down and that nobody knows the difference.... I've got news for the president. Absolutes do exist. Words do have specific meaning in language and in law. It's the basis of all civilization. Without those absolutes, without those protections, democracy decays into nothing more than two wolves and one lamb voting on, well, who to eat for lunch.


rebuttal to Barack Obama's Second Inaugural Address, January 22, 2013

The seemingly comfortable world of post-colonial fixed certainties with their historical absolutism is increasingly subject to contestation.


"The Presence of The Past", The Namibian, February 16, 2016